Monthly Archives: February 2009

[SEO-Tip] Get your questions answered

Not only children can ask you questions till you explode 😉

If you need to create content on your niche site or for article marketing, you have plenty of questions yourself. Creating articles on your blog that answer the questions your readers might have is an excellent way to attract more visitors – and answering questions is one of the best ways to create content… but you have to know those answers.

If you read my blog here for a while, you know that in a few sentences, I will present a solution for that dilemma to you…
And you are right 😉
I just purchased the most amazing software I have seen for a long time.
Do you remember how your jaws dropped when you first saw google earth?
I had the same feeling when I got my first glimpse of AnswerAnalyst on
Jon Leger’s site.

Watch this amazing video: AnswerAnalyst from Jon Leger

And if you wonder what I do right now…well, answering a few questions on some of my niche sites, what did you think? 😉

Incoming search terms for the article: